Employee Time Clock Software

Employee time clock software is a great investment and something that can help you to save a lot of money for your business while also being a better employer for your staff. Here we will look at why employee timeclock software is so useful and how to make the most of it.

Recording the times that your staff ‘clock in’ and ‘clock out’ has always been of great importance. You need to know precisely how long your staff have been working so that you know how much to pay them. This then makes it fair to them as they will get paid for the time they put in and it makes it fair for you as they don’t get paid over time. In the past companies would use time stamps which worked simply by stamping a card as someone came into work that they would put into the timeclock.

This however had many limitations. First of all, if you get cards stamped to mark attendance and time, this then means that at some point those cards have to be counted up in order to work out how much is owed to the employee. This then in turn meant more mistakes where people made errors and your staff got paid the wrong amount � not enough and it would be unfair to them and result in poor employee satisfaction, too much and it would mean you were losing money on a monthly basis and in large amounts. Then if someone were to lose their time card they would end up losing all record of the hours they worked and that would land you all in trouble. This then got more complicated as ‘flexi-time’ was introduced.

Enter employee time clock software. Of course this was software designed to take care of all this for you. You can clock in and clock out remotely without having to go anywhere and without having to carry a card and this then means that you don’t have lots of cards to lose. It also means that your staff can clock in and out remotely when they are not in the office and this means that you can record their working hours while they are on business trips etc.

The biggest bonus of employee timeclock software however for the business is the fact that the numbers are entered into a system and automatically added up and converted into pay. This means that the total paid is accurate to the second and this means that you don’t lose any money in paying too much, nor short-change any of your workers. On top of all this you will also find that by using this software you save huge amounts of time and labor � you no longer need someone to add up and calculate pay and that means that you save hundreds of hours of work every month. Its now immediate and free and by using the best software you can make this whole process go on behind the scenes so that you don’t even notice it happening.

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