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Ste *** s *** methods to adjust eat dietary structure *** br *** of fresh vegetables , fruits ,cheap oakley sunglasses, all kinds of soy *** roducts and rich in quality *** rotein foods such as fish , chicken , etc., at the same time increase the vitamin A , B1 , C and E intake . Com *** uter *** lacement the reasonable *** br *** com *** uter *** laced with the windows should have a certain angle , but also soft ambient lighting , to avoid direct light on the screen reflects bright images cause eye fatigue . Work to kee *** the distance between com *** uters in more than 60 cm , the screen should be lowered and slightly u *** ward-slo *** ing line of sight can be maintained down , so that the surface of the eye to minimize ex *** osure to the air in the area . The interior ground ventilation *** br *** summer indoor and outdoor tem *** erature is not too large , should not exceed 10 C , humidity of the room is also suitable , not too dry . Use of air conditioning can not be too long , you should always o *** en the window ventilation, indoor air to maintain a certain freshness . Do not wear less wear contact lenses *** br *** wear contact lenses or *** u *** il *** roducts may aggravate the sym *** toms of dry eye . Abnormal contact lenses close to the cornea , resulting in the structure and function of the outer layer of the tear film changes , on the one hand, im *** ede corneal direct and timely access to oxygen and nutrients , resulting in corneal e *** ithelial tissue hy *** oxia and metabolic disorders ,mac cosmetics wholesale, on the other hand the tear film the cornea can not be effective moisture , will aggravate the sym *** toms . Do blink the action *** br *** long-term work at the com *** uter to take the initiative to do the blink action ,juicy couture outlet, more than the blink of an eye . Attention to work and rest , in com *** uter work for 1 hour to let the eye rest for a while . To go out wearing goggles or sunglasses *** br *** , outside of the smoke , dust and sand can all be reduced tear film stability , accelerated tear eva *** oration , and choose to wear a *** *** ro *** riate *** rotective eye or sunglasses can effectively reduce the im *** act of these factors . Eyeliner do not the *** attern eyeliner *** br *** text to some extent, undermine the lower eyelid meibomian gland glands , these glands secrete li *** ids constitute a *** rotective film of the outermost layer of the tear film can slow down the eva *** oration of the tear layer of water . So , ladies and try not to eyeliner . Note that the matter of everyday life usually have to *** ay more attention to the *** revention of eye disease , met the eye is uncomfortable , you should seek medical treatment as soon as *** ossible , follow the doctor’s recommendations . References
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