Why You Should Use Recruitment Software

Recruitment software packages can save you a great deal of administrative hassle. There are three major types of recruitment software packages. The main type of software is the all-in-one software package and this incorporates the following two types into one. There is front office candidate, client and vacancy software and also back office payroll and invoicing software. The all in one type of software combines both of these aspects and gives you a complete answer to all of your recruitment software needs across the whole scope of the recruitment process.

The main component of the software is the database. This stores all of the information that your business holds on its clients, candidates and vacancies. The fields of the database need to be well organised and relevant to your particular business so that you can make the most of the information that you hold and categorise it in a way that is useful to you. The most important thing is to make the information that you have useful to you and recruitment software will help make this possible by helping you organise the information into manageable fields. If you organise this properly it should make finding the relevant information such as a candidate or company take only seconds.

This is particularly useful for temporary agencies where the turnover of staff is particularly high. The software that temporary agencies use can include an availability browser which lets the user see which of their employees are booked out, which of the employees are unavailable for work and which of the employees are available for work. This obviously makes the management of temporary staff much easier than it was before this type of software was available.

This type of software can also enable the user to scan in and store a candidate profile as well as CVs and other relevant documents that might be useful to the process such as a list of qualifications, copies of their drivers licence and photos. The software can also help improve the level of communication between the recruiter and the potential or actual employee. This can include a system that lets you send emails and SMS messages to people in your database. This can help you contact multiple candidates with minimal effort. This will obviously increase the levels of communication to your group and will help reduce confusion and it will make it much more efficient. The software also often enables you to incorporate documents from Word so that you can mail merge directly from your database.

The Back office software is that which helps you handle the payroll and the invoicing functions of your business so that you can make life easier. This type of software tends to be used primarily by temp agencies that pay their own temporary staff on a regular basis. It is also very useful for the larger agencies that have a large number of employees. The software lets you input data on a time sheet based system so that you can make the process easier. You can import all of the information you have on other office systems so that you can use it in your software with little effort and make the most of the benefits it brings. Thus making it easier to work out the correct pay for a wide number of employees that work a wide variety of different hours.

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